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Join Troop 77

"The Supreme Court has upheld the rights of the Boy Scouts to be able to make decisions about their membership as a fundamental right to be exercised in our country."

That having been stated, boys who meet the following requirements are invited to join Troop 77, NorthEast Georgia Council, Boy Scouts of America:

  • How: Come to one of our weekly meetings with a parent.
  • When: Mondays 7:00 - 8:30 PM.
  • Where: Scout Hut at 293 Old Riley Street (Just off Short Street past the Toccoa National Guard Armory).
  • Age: 11-17 for Boy Scouts
  • Permission: Parent's signed consent.
  • Acceptance: Scoutmaster's agreement to accept.
  • Residence: not important, but Stephens County residence is recommended because of transportation.
  • Religious Affiliation: none required, all accepted (Belief in God is required).
  • Cost - What does it cost and who pays it?
    • Membership: - Registration, secondary insurance and dues are payable once per year in January. This is usually around $30. Partial years are pro-rated.
    • Uniform: - Scout agrees to purchase and wear a regulation uniform.
      • Used uniforms are sometimes available through the Troop
      • Identifying insignia are available from the Troop for purchase. This usually totals $10 - $12.
      • Rank insignia and merit badges cost are covered by dues.
    • Equipment: - Raingear, sleeping bags, cold-weather wear are the responsibility of the scout. Recommended sources are available from the Scoutmaster.
    • Food: Almost all activities require the scout to pay his portion of the food costs.
    • Transportation: Some trips require the scout to pay for a portion of the transportation.