Troop Organization
Who does what...
- Charter Partner (sponsor) - Men's Club First United Methodist Church of Toccoa
- Troop Committee - appointed by and responsible
to Charter Partner
- Advancement - ensures learning, approves all rank promotions
- Facilities - provide building, equipment, and transportation
- Finance - budget, expenditures
- Scoutmaster - appointed by and responsible
to Troop Committee
- Program - provides for schedule, activities, training
- Security - safety, health, discipline
- Advisor - leadership skills, mentoring
- Assistant Scoutmasters - appointed by and responsible to Scoutmaster
- Senior Patrol Leader - top youth leadership position, responsible for whole Troop
- Assistant Senior Patrol Leader - youth assists Senior Patrol Leader
- Patrol Leaders - youth leadership position responsible for 4 - 8 boys
- Program operation - how we plan and have week-to-week activities...
- Annual Plan - developed by adult and youth leaders council
- Monthly Plan - developed and planned by Scoutmaster
- Weekly Plan - developed and carried out by Senior Patrol Leader (youth)
- Communication; individual responsibility - who tells who what's going on
- Scoutmaster to Senior Patrol Leader - adult to youth
- Senior Patrol Leader to Patrol Leaders - youth to youth
- Patrol Leader to patrol member scouts - youth
to youth
- Scoutmaster does not normally communicate directly with individual scouts on activities; he does use direct communication on personal development and advancement.
- Activity information is given to or developed by youth leaders
- Adult leaders do not necessarily know all details of a planned activity
- Small mistakes are allowed to avoid large mistakes in the future.